What We Do

Are you or your loved one no longer able to perform certain financial duties on their own, or are simply overwhelmed and need help? Angelcare has a heart and love for the elderly, and understands that this stage of life can be frustrating in today's high paced, busy society. Our desire is to help in various areas to ease your burden or the burden of the one you love. Our main focus is helping to do the "business" aspects of one's life that are often tedious, time consuming, and overwhelming. Some of these services include keeping finances in order, organizing clutter, taking care of personal property in the home, helping market and sell a home through a realtor, choosing the right care facility, to name a few.


o Conservator
Court appointed (due to the person's inability to mentally make the decision that they need help) to handle all areas of a person's finances, bill paying, protect assets, provide support and care, move to a facility, and whatever else is a priority at the time of the appointment or developments thereafter. A Conservator is accountable to the Court, filing yearly reports.

o Power-of-Attorney Agent
The Senior knows they need help and they have the mental capacity to make the decision to appoint a Power of Attorney to handle all areas of a person's finances, bill paying, asset protection, provide support and care, assist them with a move to a facility, and whatever else is a priority at the time. As a Power of Attorney, if necessary, we can also help make medical decisions as we work closely with medical groups that provide strong medical patient advocacy programs.

o Private Case Manager
This person will oversee and manage specific needs for a Senior. This is usually when family is the Power of Attorney, but they are out-of-State or too busy, and they are concerned about their loved one's care, but unable to keep up with their needs. We can take clients to doctor's appointments, supply their needs, coordinate and manage caregivers or appointments, maintain accountability in a facility, attend care conferences, and provide whatever individual assistance is needed.

o Financial Services/Private Fiduciary
These services include bill paying, mail sorting, help with investing with a reputable financial advisor, making changes to save money, tax help with possible CPA referral, etc.

o Personal Representative
The Personal Representative is appointed in a Last Will and Testament to handle all matters of a deceased according to their instructions, whether Probate through the Court system or Small Estate Affidavit.

o Alzheimer's & Dementia Specialty
My heart and passion is working with Seniors who have Dementia and Alzheimer's and the behaviors that accompany these diseases. I am Alzheimer's Certified through the Colorado Alzheimer's Association and I have a lot of experience with Seniors who have been affected with this disease. Dementia can be very scary and frustrating for an elderly person and devastating for their family. Knowing how to take care of them and deal with their behaviors and fears is our speciality.

o Traveling Notary Public Services
If documents need to be notarized, one of our staff members can travel to any facility and witness signatures, for a small fee.